[MEDIA] Market is slowing. A bunch of solid guys left.
The one with 10 fingers
Beverley Green Curry Javale Bullock All still on the board. We will be alright. Kawhi first.
Like looking back at 2016, we are going to look back and be thankful we didn't participate in A MAJORITY of these deals.
Ariza just hops from team to team collecting that money. What a legend.
[MEDIA] Going rate for free agents that are in the upper tier seems to be in this range. 13 million per.
[MEDIA] Damnit.
Dude was trying to pawn off mattresses and crappy NBA streams for money and he has the audacity to call other people frauds..... Stephen A...
[MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA] The reddit insider has moved to Twitter
I’ll wait to see what some of these deals are. If these top role players are getting deals near 20 million I can’t hate on missing out. If it’s in...
[MEDIA] This can happen. Obvious tampering but Magic can’t sniff a Kawhi fart from 500 yards or closer or the Lakers are banned for life from...
Stop correcting the professionals!!!
There’s a reason KD isn’t interested in the Lakers and the Lakers aren’t interested in KD.... No one wants to wait a year to see how you come...
Kawhi walks into the meeting.... AD - Slides his 5 million per Ruffles endorsement and movie deal to center of table....I’ve been here 5 minutes...
[MEDIA] [MEDIA] Makes sense
Is it any surprise Magic is involved with this cluster eff of information. Magic just settle down and tamper and tell us about it mid-July.
Why? Jeanie definitely ain’t talking basketball. This will probably be all about business, money, endorsements and opportunity to grow Kawhi’s...
Magic’s perfect role is this right here. Lebron/AD sell on the court, Magic sells off the court. Lakers meeting is going to trump anything any...
[MEDIA] Ohhh the tones be changin’