Doghouse?:Kobe Snickering:
Has Vando lost a game he played in this season?
How many games left? I think he’s near the limit lol
So effective on D, just atrocious on offense lol
[MEDIA] Refs screwed him on that last play lol
People adore Bronny, not here, but casual Laker fans.
@ZenMaster your complaint has been answered :Laugh:
30 15 game incoming
you’re a scholar and a gentleman
I hope he lets it fly against the Bullets. F the plays lol
It’s just words like stop b3ing a whiny bastard
Apt description, I love that the play he blew up is a play for him:Laugh:
Two weeks
It’s under investigation
[MEDIA] :ADGlance:
I demand a recount! Vegans must be represented in these festivities
As expected :Laugh: