Complete and utter!! He needs to read this page!!! Get it together Ham!!! You can do it, quit tripping over your own feet!!
See how this season goes but right now, not sure I want to trade Rui. Also, I don't think Booker brings us a ring any better than Trae would....
Not sure where to post this, but this thread seems appropriate. I have almost always been a defense first type of fan but am having problems with...
earlier in the year I could see a starting lineup of C: Davis F: Lebron F: Vando PG: DLO SG: AR Main subs: Wood, Cam, Max and Rui Now I love...
Honestly, even if we finish off playing at the current level for the rest of the season, I would be happy to see the Lakers move on from him. I...
Yeah, I was surprised on this fact.
The very last thing a billionaire 39 year old guy should be doing is trading blows with an animal with an IQ < 100. Nothing to be gained.
I'm not saying it didn't happen, I'm just saying that we won't ever know the full story and to sit on the sidelines while passing judgement is not...
Must be nice to be that old and other teams still want to trade for you and pay you the big bucks. The other solid guys who were this old, like...
You never know what happened with people like Bridges and his gal. I've been close to some pretty crazy krap with a bad SO lady. I used to work...
He has also said that if he can't play with him, playing against him would serve the same purpose for him.
well, there is that, and the local liquor store.
Yeah, I am sure I will find problems. Right now, I am in San Diego and I get the Prime Sports package which gives me all Lakers games that are...
was thinking after we move, that I would get NBA League Pass and then I hope I could watch all the Lakers games and most every other teams games...
Well, if he was on Boston, I would call him dimwit ty.
So, when does Silver pull a Stern on us and not allow this due to basketball reasons!?!?
The new Kobe!!!! Gonna be better than MJ!!!
I kind of think it does, just not quite as apparent. I mean everyone hates California just a bit more than Massachusetts. Because we are getting...
we need someone that can stop Murry or slow him down. He kills us, I think AD does fine against Jokic. He is too fast for Jokic, he forces Jokic...
Totally disagree with this sentiment. This sh*t has been going on for years. Once in awhile we get lucky. The league went berserk over the Pau...