I like the idea of Rondo and Handy for sure, agree with you on the other coaches too, I just don't really know anything about them functionally....
he is getting over the top, don't remember being so put off by his posts. After he jumped all over the newcomer, wasn't sure what to think. It...
This is how I feel, I will be rooting for the guy, hope he does well. The haters are weird, it is like they want him to fail just so they can be...
Cultist!!!! [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
So, the way the giphy site works is you click the share button and then the copy gif link, then you come here and press the image button and paste...
I like his response.
My wife will get a glazed look and tell me "that's enough". But the good news is that after 30 years of that, the walls do start talking back and...
Honestly, I wanted him but have been less than impressed with the post event comments coming from both the Hurleys. It does make me feel like we...
first post, last post, what's the difference.
Yeah, those are just built into the site, I used to have them on my site, years ago. They mean nothing other than the amount of posts and some...
You know, all the C Bags fans are looking in here and laughing at us for discounting them. 18-17 is what they are saying ....... and they are...
So sad, I frigging love Jerry West. Jerry and Kobe were cut from the same cloth, they were tough as nails. Jerry's emotional turmoil over...
On the other hand, Jerry West was mentally fried when we gutted our roster to get Shaq and he was forced to take that risk. Hard business.
He's as INSIDE the box as anyone I have heard of!! [IMG]
tik tok tik tok
Dang, I thought I was you!!! These new guys can just see right through me.
Well, in all fairness, Ox with a single word is probably better than a rookie with a dissertation.
It reminds me of the music scene. There are a whole lot of musicians who could be big, international stars but they don't want that spotlight....
The way I see it is that we blew a golden opportunity to win another ring ourselves. This was the easiest year EVER and we blew it.
Yep, I think the allure of California in general is way down. This is not the old days anymore. Remember how we used to talk about the internet...