I really liked the ASM2 costume. Not sure I'm sold on the Civil War version. Although the eyes/face on the mask are very reminiscent of classic...
WALL-E IS A NATIONAL TREASURE. Finally got around to watching Spotlight the other day. Great film, started a little slow but really draws you...
What drug are we talking? Weed?
Way too many minutes for MWP. Guess the tank is back on. Also our defense of the 3pter was disgustingly bad.
I think we're going to beat Cleveland tonight.
That ankle breaker for the dunk was noice.
Playing with so much poise and confidence now. Clearly having more fun out there.
His three pointer is becoming deadly. Dat boy gud.
He really impressed me tonight. A lot more patience and control, many grown man moves. Using his right a lot more. Hustling as always. Still...
Box score is a thing of beauty. Glimpse into the future.
We won the NBA.
To sum up, Byron Scott said he challenged their manhood after the last game. Obviously it worked, so now he might have to do it the rest of the...
Love Huertas. I know some people get down on him here, but he's not the useless lump Byron made him out to be.
Yea, it's just that Ireland is in the thick of things and has his ear to the ground on a lot of the issues. I can't remember what it was exactly,...
Something disheartening: John Ireland on AM710 said he believes Byron Scott won't be fired next year. Says he listened to Jeanie Buss on an Amick...
I choked while laughing
I have always liked Huertas, despite his obvious shortcomings. I firmly believe that under a better coach and in a better system, those...
The showtime era has succumb to senility. You got Byron being Byron. Worthy, Green, and Coop defending him on TWC. Magic always saying...
The narrative here is not "oh look Byron has developed D'angelo and it's paying off." The narrative is "look at what an idiot Byron was for not...