The Knicks plan was to sign Kyrie and KD, get Zion, trade for AD. How the hell would that be any different from what we just did? What a bum....
Yeah, but unfortunately, his first 3 were under 20, first two at 16. That'll drop his average. I think what makes Kawhi great is more about his...
Yeah all you have to do is take a look at this: We have two of the top 3 players IN...
I mean, VanVleet was undrafted and was not even a household name until the playoffs. All it takes is one opportunity... [IMG]
Why would Lebron say how much he would average, that just sounds weird. Let alone, compare himself to one of the best defenders of all time. If...
Gonna be waking up to some good news tomorrow... I can feel it...comin in the air toniiiiight [IMG]
Crazy see my dynasty fantasy football chat bringing up LB posts. Little do they realize how long I’ve been apart of LB and CL. Mr. Rambis truly...
Kobe will show him how.
I mean of all days Kawhi could announce that he would stay in Toronto, you would think he’d choose Canada day right? He wants to spare Toronto...
Danny Green would probably stay with Kawhi wherever he goes.
Hey #2 here, I’m thinking tomorrow noon. I don’t know though, I’m just lakerfan2.
It already has. Did you see how fast that post from kobecrush went up there? If they aren’t members, there’s a ton of lurkers already.
I will never look at orange juice the same again...
If you think a few forum posts is what’s going to deter Kawhi you’re in for a rude awakening on what actually goes down in the media business...
I made ittttt!!! Since I have #2 in my name, I should let you all in that I am Kawhi. WHAT IT DO BAYBAY!!! :Worthywave:
Not many PG’s are defenders anyways, outside the rare Beverly type. Bradley is one of them, but honestly, if we have all three, I find it hard...
Break the internet/LakersBall Rambo!
Welcome brotha! Glad to have you here. Reddit can be awesome and a little crazy at the same time. Once you read through a few posts you get the...
How ironic quoting Drake lol