Now it’s becoming a problem for the Lakers because they’re finalizing the AD trade TOMORROW. Which means, IF Kawhi doesn’t make a decision today,...
Ah good ole twitter feed...
Ugh, pages and pages of nonsense links. Plane flights and WNBA meetings with no subjective meaning.
Like? It’s not like he’s been click baiting or predicting anything out of the norm. All he’s been doing is giving us some behind the scenes which...
He hasn’t been wrong.
Ayre is just a copycat. We don’t post his stuff here.
Welcome! Glad to have you here!
Last night means after the Toronto meeting. LET ME HAVE MY OPTIMISM LOL.
Look at Kawhis sister comment. [MEDIA] LETS GO LAKESHOWWW!!! HE COMING!!!!!
Is it unprecedented for the Lakers to send someone out to Toronto to meet with Kawhi? Giving the Raptors the last word and time seems to be a big...
LG is just jealous they aren’t getting recognized. They aren’t getting the traffic that we have and now they’re throwing a hissy fit. I wouldn’t...
Would it be beneficial for the Lakers to fly someone out to Toronto so they make sire they don’t lock Kawhi in a room a la DeAndre?
Haha I was! He had so much potential, those damn injuries screwed him up then he just went off the walls. Good to see you here!
All these new usernames I’ve never seen before. :Laugh: Welcome new fam!
It was mostly Shaq. Even he admitted it. Letting go and getting out of shape.
Switch out Rondo for Avery Bradley and you got a deal.
But it’s why we can afford to do it. Worst case, we still have 2 elite stars and a ton of money.
What a strange release