Jerry would have done so many things different we wouldn't be in this crap situation and would likely have a couple more championships. Slick...
I am curious who it is so I can plan my roster
There you go Breathe bro, you will be okay.
Traditionally I dont either but he is no worse than LeBron or DLO and far better on offense than either. I prefer winning to losing and just want...
Anger issues much???
My first option would always be to not resign LeBron and build through the draft. However, that doesn't appear to be what we are doing or are ever...
To be honest I always thought Trae was this obnoxious clown and more show than go because he is hidden in Atlanta. Defensively of course he has...
I've been studying up on Trae. The guy is absolutely phenomenal. He needs to be a Laker. He has that brash cockiness and talent to go with it. AD...
Actually, I wasn't joking. If we want a coach to know and do what LeBron wants why not just have LeBron coach till he retires instead of hiring...
How about a big that can do that as well as set screens, pass and keep the offense moving, run the floor. We just happened to have one that sat...
Byron Scott suggested making LeBron a player coach during his final years. He said LeBron didn't trust anyone else and he calls the shots...
The things is, it isn't about what he can do at forty. He would still be a great second or third option. He still sees himself as the top dog. If...
Many seem to be looking at it as they are just hiring a coach to be a placeholder till LeBron retires. Then hiring a legitimate coach and building...
Actually, Abeer, this may be the most level headed line of thinking I've seen here yet. Humor LeBron, while realizing what he is and not taking...
Frank is currently the best option out there.
Easy to understand, LeBron has shown himself to be uncoachable and now he can't take over games like he used to. LeBron has value as a player in a...
So LeBron saved us from the gutter in whatever year it was so we should cater to him and suck for the next 5+ years? No thank The...
I'm not okay with that. LeBron is terrible for team chemistry. Letting LeBron handpick the coach may be one of the worst Laker decisions ever...
Riley wasn't as big a gamble as some think. Jerry and Pat played on a championship team together, Pat was in the broadcast booth and new all about...