god i can't stand that guy
sixers might as well just start tanking for flagg
sit him out for a week or two if needed. better to get him healed rather than having him play hurt the whole season and risk further injury
no point thinking about what could've been with tatum because he would've been traded to NO
had no idea about this incident, only the one with LAPD no excuses for this b*******. he's gone
damn. their entire team is injured
lebron teams don't focus on developing young guys anyways. let's hope the FO keeps up their eye for talent when lebron and AD are gone
everything always leads back to ham lmao but like i said earlier, nothing about pippen's game stood out at all from what i saw during his time...
rob tried to be the smartest guy in the room with this pick the fact that they're already giving up on him speaks volumes
waste of a f***ing pick. way to go rob and to rub more salt in the wound, the next 3 picks were jaquez, podz, and whitmore
like he was ever going to miss a game in cleveland
a broken clock is still right twice a day
same with pippen jr. didn't seem like he had any sort of nba future from what we saw during his time with the lakers g-league team, but he's doing...
their season really just depends on harden's health. they have a solid team for as long as he's healthy and will probably clinch a play in spot at...
the 20-21 season should've been further proof that there was no need to blow up the title core for westbrick. lakers with healthy lebron and AD...
and lebron still thought that he could be the guy to carry the team when he sat. the same guy they were daring to shoot from the FT line in the...
nuggets fans already sick of russ lmao love to see it
denver loses again jokic and murray's magic only works against the lakers
westbrick still sucks lol denver now gets to experience losing KCP and bringing westbrick in
people love to s*** on lebron for bringing drama to teams but it's been nonstop drama for the clips since 2019