seems like he's adopted ham's offense these last few games aka hold the ball until there's a few seconds left on the shot clock before chucking a...
he's either in complete coast mode lately or time has caught up to him more than we think. definitely showing his age out there
who? never heard of them
i can't think of a worse lakers FA signing in the last 20 years or so really hope they learned their lesson about signing ex-heat guards
damn. haven't heard that name for a while now
he truly is jokic's son
JV would be my #1 too. vucevic would be a nice add as well hell f***ing no to ayton. one of the laziest players and softest big men i've ever watched
you know damn well jokic is going to hop on a jet straight from serbia to LA just in time to destroy the lakers as usual
would be a nice add, but he's too injury prone for my liking
yeah, you're not going to win games like that. this was a well deserved loss not the first time AD has choked away game-altering FTs though. i...
missing both FTs at the end there is inexcusable what a chokejob
no he hasn't? his numbers are similar to what he was putting up last season and in less minutes. he's slow, but he's still very much effective
wade was doing it even before harden. remember "d-whistle"? harden was far worse though
things are going to be quite rough in philly for a while. sixers are stuck with embiid and that untradeable contract and he's not a guy you win with
well deserved. just don't use the same guy who did the d wade statue
blows my mind how they won a title with bigs like mcgee/dwight playing the 5 with AD at 4 and then completely abandoned that strategy to have AD...
yeah, that's not good. bad optics and can't imagine it'll sit well with his teammates either why not let him have the typical rookie experience?
wouldn't be surprised if he's coached his last game. a stroke at that age isn't something you want to mess with, especially when working two high...
the league really needs to send out a memo about players cutting their nails and enforce it somehow look at jokic after every game and his...
wizards are barely even playing valanciunas. what a dumb signing