ham can be a terrible coach and the current roster can be flawed. those two things don't need to be mutually exclusive. the 23 and 24 rosters were...
it's not supposed to be a flex. and the teams of the past two seasons certainly made it as far as they did despite ham and not because of him. who...
this team is winning at pretty much the same pace as the previous two seasons
ham is right in that anywhere else, he'd still be HC. but that doesn't excuse the fact that he was a god awful HC during his time here. that 23...
the league has a lot bigger problems than the ASG (which no one watches to begin with) but the best way to make it watchable again? have it...
some good stuff here [MEDIA]
ham and prince back to back IST champs
building around AD post-lebron is not the route you want to go. and especially not if you don't have any future 1st rounders going the OKC route...
d-lo trade came out of nowhere
the trade(s) they make will be completely out of left field which has seemed to become the norm under pelinka
he's barely played the last few games. played 8 minutes tonight. clearly limiting his playing time in anticipation of a trade
how did GS get shroeder for a guy out for the season and 2nd rounders? i have a hard time believing the nets would've traded him to LA for that price
and people wonder why ratings are down. two bad teams chucking up 3 after 3 sums up the s*** product that is today's nba...
he's still a better coach than ham, but lately some really puzzling decisions taking out koloko who was a +12 in favor of hachimura was really stupid
so lebron's gone MIA? even redick has no idea what's going on
bryant's just a backup. they already lost isaiah jackson and wiseman for the season
he's not going to another team. and with how much money he's still owed for next year, i can't see him retiring unless he and the lakers can agree...
never hated lebron. he was one of those guys who was simply too good to hate. watching him carry those cavs teams in the 00s deep into the...
i wonder how much medical staffs are to blame. don't the pelicans use the saints medical staff? that might have something to do with why their...
guess you missed my post above where i said to fire pelinka. but i know reading isn't your strong suit, so all good