Consider this an official warning for personal attacks. You can not call ppl "little b"
I'll do whatever the f I want. Watch your personal attacks.
Why is Lebron fake crying?
Currys' stock has dropped a lot for me.
Lebron's fine btw. Milking it.
Irving has thoroughly out played Curry these finals.
They didnt have to foul there
Stupid r******* foul.
Curry's been terrible.
Curry is so careless with his passes its mind boggling.
Why would you even lounge at Lebron on the perimeter? He can't shoot.
Barnes is killing their spacing. They aren't guarding him on the parimeter.
Well GS was able to salvage that qtr despite being -6. Anyone's game.
Seems like every loose ball foul is going against GS.
F'n Curry is making the dumbest passes. Turnover after turnover.
I dont know why Barnes is even playing. He does nothing out there. Team worst +/-
How the hell was that a foul on Curry?
Warrior's leaning on Green but their defense hasn't been great. Cavs getting too many openings.
Is anyone else bothered by Steph's expression/attitude when things are going bad? He seems too nonchalant for me.
Same, Sirron. Close game is making me nervous.