He was a knockdown shooter in college. It has to be mental at this point. His defense was pretty good in summer league. If he can just knock...
35 wins. Start off a bit slow with players adjusting, so i'll say first 41 games - 15-26. Ingram picks it up second half of the season, guys...
^Yeah, I was surprised at how good Brandon's floor game has been. He's very good at making the right pass..much better than I expected.
He finally started knocking down threes in the 4th...maybe there's still hope!
Ughh...Get this idiot out of here please!
I could see the argument for either TD or KB. I would lean towards Kobe (Lakers bias)...but both are top 10
Damn, he would've been a nice shooter off the bench. I still would like another guard.
Awesome scenario: OKC trades Westbrook to the C Bags at the trade deadline for Thomas, Jaylen Brown and Nets draft picks. No commitment from...
Man, this team is gonna be a lot of fun to watch this year (except when they play the Lakers).
Too risky to trade for Westbrook. He could very well leave next season and we're not even contenders this year if we trade the farm for him.
Wowwwww Steph, Klay, Draymond and now KD....so that knocks off the only team that gave the Dubs problems in the west
Love it. Should be a solid backup, poor mans Biyombo perhaps.
[MEDIA] Hmmmm potential backup PG? He was pretty good in April when he finally got minutes - 16&5 in 32min, almost 50% from 3
Anything out there on whether we've contacted Crabbe or not?
Of course, 2 years with a team option would've been better.....The contract we gave him is probably what it took to keep him from going somewhere...
Deng is a much better player though. He's a legit starting caliber SF/PF Afflalo is basically just a catch and shoot player now better served...
Deng was hurt in the 2nd round right? I remember him being awesome in the Hornets series then bricking every shot in the Raps series.
Small Ball: Russell Clarkson Ingram Deng Randle/Nance Not bad.