Kyrie for Thomas is at best a lateral move and an argurment can be made Thomas is a better player. I'm not worried about Boston. They ain't...
This week's matchup between Dallas & Oakland should be fun. Dress rehearsal. Starters will likely play most of the first half. Hoping Cooper...
[MEDIA] :Laugh::dwightcrying::Kobe Snickering::ShaqOh2:
You live and you learn. Even the greatest Laker ever has some learning to do.
Dak & Dez looked really good the other night. Jaylon not so much, but that's expected considering he missed 18 months. Gonna take him some time...
Pincus said the NBA can prevent the Lakers from signing Paul George if they're found guilty in this investigation. Wow smh.
Pacers salty as hell. What exactly did the Lakers do to them to justify this kind of childish antics? Beating them in the 2000 Finals?
Haha what a joke. Everyone in the f***ing league tampers and yet were the only ones getting investigated?
I disagree about the Lakers not making the playoffs and what it would take. Brook Lopez is already basically an All Star or at least borderline. A...
LeBron is as good as gone. Spurs make the most sense for him because of Kawhi factor as well as Pop. Could extend career and play for rings right...
I think you're overstating how good the West is. It's terrific at the top, but the 6-8 seeds are definitely up for grabs. Houston could be the...
Ugly game for sure. Kellen Moore is so bad. If Dak gets injured like Romo did a few years ago they're done. They may not even go 4-12 this time....
For selfish reasons I would've liked to see the Lakers open up in San Antonio or maybe in Christmas. Surprised the Spurs aren't playing on...