He had a league worst -58 in the Preseason. Gotta start showing something. Anything.
Yeah, that one was almost CP3 Heliflopter level.
Anyone have a clip of AR's awkward shot flop trying to draw a foul? I love this kid to death, but I don't want him to fish so hard for fouls that...
Fixed for you.
Who has been feeding Dlo the maturity pills lately? Color me impressed. [IMG]
My goal is to live to see CAM WHITMORE mentioned in every thread.
It means he is a me first loser that will never win a championship unless he suddenly figures it out.
This kid is better right now than Jaxson Hayes at everything except jumping. [IMG]
What's his NBA Title winning percentage? Here's a hint: [IMG]
Reading the GM list at least started my day out with a good laugh.
I'm already a fan of Castleton, but I'll be shocked if he ever reaches Marc Gasol territory.
Congratulations! You are the winner of the 10,000th mention of CAM WHITMORE Contest. Your special prize is waiting for you at Customer Service.
Yeah, I'm just laughing at the Cam Whitmore takeover of the JHS thread. If I remember, there were reasons why several teams passed on Whitmore...
I love this combo: [IMG]
Where's @Barnstable when we need him most?!? We need some kind of site counter in this thread that keeps track of how many times Cam Whitmore is...
So why do you call him your "Bron Bron"? :LLLLLebronlaughing:
Or Kareem Abdul Jabbar?
Dude could have gone pro at golf. Glad he didn't/
Imma give you extra credit for the use of "moribund" fandom. :FishPoint: