So the takeaway from that article, IF any of it is FO sourced, is that we are willing to risk a rookie coach in Redick, but would bring on at...
There are several posters here that would do a better job than Ham, so no, in spite of our bad track record in hiring coaches, I think most...
I hereby declare Prince, Reddish and Hayes untouchable. Let the negotiations begin! [IMG]
I'm assuming you are responding to me since you quoted my post, but you referred to me as Jones? Anyway, no I consider the coach a very...
Correlation does not equal causation. You are presuming Ham caused our run to the WCFs last year. I see it as we got there in spite of him.
Handy is my #1 option. But I really want the FO to bring in a top offensive assistant (Stotts type) and a top defensive assistant (Vogel type)....
You didn't violate any rules. But I have no idea what your title has to do with your post, I can't read the language in the Pic, and the only...
Just NO to the Trae idea! I could live with either Dame or Spider, but at what cost?
Dude will never get a call for the rest of his career. [IMG]
My take: I doubt Ohtani is dirty. Just doesn't seem like his style. But, I also think it's nobodies business what he does with his money UNLESS...
"Doc Rivers reveals that he tried warning the city of Troy about the Trojan Horse: "I just told them, ya know, why do the Greeks suddenly want to...
Give JHS a consistent 12 mpg and you might see a game like that, who knows? I don't really want him playing 12mpg this year or any mpg. Keep him...
Derek Fisher's rookie numbers: .39% FG / .30 3PT% on 11mpg. He was two years older than JHS.
Really glad we kept DLo. He seems comfortable here now. Good chemistry with his teammates. Besties with AR. Now adding the Dinwiddie connection.
Impressed with what I've seen so far. I hope we keep him.
Me at the trade deadline: I've never heard of that guy that just got traded! Also me: How come we didn't get him?
That's a bit optimistic. Call it two weeks away from being two weeks away. Maybe.