OKC may lose the game against SAC to make sure to avoid the 1st two seeds though so it could drop us to 8th in case we finish with 34 losses The...
We need Miami to lose the 1st play-in and win the second to finish 8th and face Foston in the 1st round
Probably need a good full month from now to be himself again .. could help us here and there in the WCSF if we make it
My predictions : 6. Suns 33 losses 7.Lakers 34 8. Kings 35 9 Warriors 36 10 Pels 36
Kings will win at Foston but lose at BK , this is what they do
Six highest salary on the team/Pelinka doesn't accept he got screwed Nunn style again
LAC might be worse if George leaves , Warriors too with the questions mark around Dray and Klay but yeah the West likely will be stronger next season
Bron and AD look more healthy at this time of the season than last season ? Do you all agree ?
Rui is really the key for this team imo .. If he could play/use his size on BOTH ends off the floor on a regular basis , the 3 headed monster he...
Warriors in 2008 , Suns in 2014 missed the playoffs with 48 wins Suns in 2009 and Nuggets in 2018 missed the playoffs with 46 wins Wild wild West
Yeah Pels , Kings and Suns will all play each other one time , Pels will play the Warriors too . We'll play the Warriors and Pels once . We just...
I think the video in which he vetoed the switching scheme against Kawhi in the 2nd half/4th quarter was more telling ..
I didn't realize Cavs and Sota were back 2 back games as I have the schedule on France time zone. So the Lakers are playing the Cavs on a...
Is it an all time low ? Wire to wire win , no complain from me .
I'm not sure Bron will play in all the remaining games so we might lose an unexpected one , at WASH by instance
Yeah I think we'll lose the Cavs game and win a close one against Sota . Bad performances , mainly due to fatigue , happen on a regular basis...
Too bad our coach isn't good at distributing minutes and we never were healthy Add a player like Vando plus Gabe who's willing to do the dirty...