At this stage of my life, as an semi-old fart, I still tend to believe in extraterrestrial life. There are just too many other planets for it not...
I don't know how serious AD's injuries are or how high the risk that he gets injured seriously by playing because of some lingering issues. I have...
As much as I'm frustrated with how this season has gone so far, I'm in the let's not overreact to some back spasms camp too.
No, exactly the opposite actually. It's a place for adults to talk basketball in a (mostly) mature and respectful way. You may not know this but...
Considering age, mileage/health issues, versatility (in that order), I would seriously not even trade him for any of those players.
If your definition of a 1st option is a player who can carry a bad team and turn them into a great team, I've got news for you, there have been...
I'm pretty confident with our defense against Wedtbrook. I predict a convincing lead. Hopefully this one won't add to my impressive collection of...
His streaks just seem to be soooooo long, but that applies also to the good ones. Last season he was super dependable for most of the season...
I hope he flourishes as a Knick.
After almost an entire year of Schröder, my hope is that he has a great offseason, gets overpaid by somebody and the Lakers use the saved money to...
Huge bummer. Denver was looking great and we all know what Murray is capable of in the playoffs. Hope he'll recover soon but their championship...
Flashbacks from the DLO era
Yes sure, it is a possibility considering all their talent. I just don't consider them clear favorites, not at all.
Still not buying the Nets. Defense matters, chemistry matters, and - apologies - cojones matter as well in the playoffs. They lack all three and...
Most of us would, the thing is we can't.
I know this is kinda a little off-topic, but I didn't want to create a separate topic for this question alone. @JSM - is that your...
My thoughts precisely. He hasn't been bad on the court, but certainly also not good enough to warrant this kind of a headache. The worst part...
It's still difficult for me to comprehend the KD rant. A part of me wants to make fun of him, but at the same time, there has to be some serious...
Wait, are those comments really from THE KD? :eek: