People…this guy is a parody account. You can exhale now.
Let’s be real though, that part was on Lebron. We all knew Russ would miss at least one of those free throws. Just saying, he was put in a...
My favorite Lakers game since we won the title. We didn’t just beat a good team. We beat them when they played well and we played the right way....
Bumping this as one of my favorite aspects of these past two wins. Keep Bev out of the rotation.
I wouldn’t refer to a minimum contract as a guy who got the money. Not sure he doesn’t care, but I think he just lacks natural basketball...
I have a hard time believing this report. This offer was kept silent for 9 months? If this is real at all, I’m guessing that pick would have been...
I don’t think anyone is pretending that chemistry issues are gone. It’s just realizing that there were no deals that would have helped in the...
Playoffs? :Kobe Snickering:
We don’t need to keep the books open to preserve cap space next summer. All of the Jazz names mentioned have no more than 2 years left and can be...
Please let this be the fringe details of a larger Westbrook trade leaking first, because this deal sucks.
Gotta love Durant “not liking the direction” of the franchise. Dude, you orchestrated this entire thing. Hell, if Simmons were to be healthy and...
JJ wasn’t wrong. And every time Jerry speaks these days he sounds like an angry old man.
Lonnie is a poor man’s Monk at 60% of the salary. We still need some wings with length, but I really don’t have a problem with any of the signings...
Maybe don’t hijack every thread.
Stating opinions as though they are fact and putting words in people's mouths also fits in. I don't think I've seen a single poster praise a...
If Wallace is a lead assistant, sure...that's a problem. Otherwise, I'm not really seeing a big deal here. I'm assuming he's being brought in to...
This place has become a real life Groundhog Day. Can’t wait until the Draft and Free Agency so we can talk about something else besides the...
Caruso single-handedly keeping the Bulls in this game.
Yeah the one called against Russell was atrocious. Like, “this is not the point of the rule and have you watched basketball in your life atrocious.”
No draft picks, but everyone is better than Russ. I was in favor of the trade, but he’s trash. He’s what the French call le incompetente.