I know he had a botched wide open lay in crunch (which he should have just dunked), and a missed FT, but it’s hard to deny that DFS is a freaking...
Vando and Knecht4 easily my players of the game outside of Luka. Vando was everywhere, timely rebounds, lots of rebs, put-back dunk, straight up...
I noticed during Lakeshow highlights on YT, he didn’t get up to cheer when shots were made. Maybe it’s really bad. I have a tendency to look at...
Our best FT shooter on the team, besides…. The guy I can’t stand… **Vincent** I only trust him to make FTs, whether crunch time or the first...
I didn’t know which thread to put this in. I’ll start off by saying idk crap about salary, penalties, cap, aprons, MLE, T something, tax, the...
Happy Birthday Luka!! Another off shooting night, but still slightly better than last night. Seems like on a couple of drives, he was primarily...
Clearly gassed and asked to come out some time in the 2nd quarter i think it was. Didn’t really attempt dunks or try to attack the rim as much,...
+20 in 14 mins?!?! MOAR Since Rui is going to be out a bit, Vando and DFS need to both get 30 mins each, or pretty close to it. Vando has no...
Love this guy. Honestly makes Len expendable. Anyone with a brain can see that this guy belongs. Much stronger than Hayes, bigger, better...
Awesome!! Thank you. I need to find the one where Sasa talks about LeBron! But this is so cool to see and hear, especially since it’s such a...
Is there a video/interview, or article from Sasa Doncic? I have never seen it.
Yeah, who is flopter exactly? We have a ton of floppers in this league… lol
I thought they wanted to, but watching the whole game yesterday, their actions seemed otherwise. So if Kyrie and Klay got hot… and Denver...
I watched a lot of the postgame stuff/interviews. When Luka was talking to reporters postgame with the backdrop, it was clear he was still...
I’ve been a die-hard Laker fan my whole life. I want them to win only. Win championships. Do well, always. I can also suggest you take things...
last I checked, this is a WMC thread. You can think whatever you want. Just an observation that sat and tues was night and day. Most people will...
I believe it was early in the 4th where Jaxon got 2 very massive rebounds where he clearly got up to get them (defensive rebs). Those 2 plays and...
I have to say, I’ll be the first to admit I can’t stand this guy. I truly don’t believe he’s a NBA caliber player. At least not for the 3 years 33...
Was it really just the anticipation and circus of this game? Luka versus Mavs? Outside of that, this team last night was NOTHING like the team in...
Not sure if there are better options out there, but NAW isn’t cutting it for me. Never thought he was anything more than a jordan clarkson. He’s...