I STILL cant get myself to watch his celebration of life and can only get through like 10 secs of the various tribute vids around. why did he of...
that boi built different
people underestimating the rox without westbrook...hes been out plenty of other times and harden was able to carry em for periods of time. Now...
to each their own. I personally have no problem with the bubble. I really don't see any huge negative. and really? an asterisk? every team...
I agree for the most part but I do want to give him some credit. he wasn't ALLLLL bad haha. he did tell mitch to draft Bynum and despite his...
^^^ its gotta be the beard
harden DID test positive already
Harden tested positive too
haha I'm pretty sure all of us got it, but figured it wasn't anything worthy of a reply lol:ADsurprised 1:
I work for the padres and they have been piping in crowd noise during the spring training games and I gotta be honest it sounds pretty damn...
im pretty sure i read that cousins has already stated hes not gonna come back this season
and thats cause nothing has happened
KB > KD Nuff said
great job! this one really hit me in the feels. you've def got a talent:KobePoint:
https://www.cbssports.com/nba/news/rip-hamilton-says-kobe-bryant-is-most-michael-jordan-like-player-i-was-low-key-scared-to-face-him/ Rip...
i mean if we really want to get into it, does kobe's untimely end still happen if he doesnt rupture the achilles? I could make a good argument he...
lol i love kuz
i remember this pic in the la times...it said something to the effect like "can these young lakers do it?" sadly, not all of them could