wow i feel like you took what was inside my brain and wrote it so much better than i could have. thank you. ps- ive been thinking a lot about...
i couldnt agree more. i hate that this tragedy is what caused it but im living a life of no more excuses from here on out. i never thought i...
that ending was rough...but man to see all these celebs acting like little kids smiling as kobe did his magic...just too good. what other athlete...
ill need to listen to this later. hate being at work right now
what really angers me is how many media outlets and various entities are appreciating him only now, AFTER his death. We all knew his greatness...
what else can i say that you all havent... this is just the worst. my favorite athlete ever. my role model. the source of so many good times....
training staff made him take him out.
I mainly just read these days, but FWIW I never had a problem with any of your posts.
i thought ad played giannis on D pretty well...yea he made some 3s but davis stopped him on a number of drives and forced him to kick it out. i...
Stu's favorite coin
markelle fultz low key been doing pretty good the last ten games
love him or hate him, harden is a beast. oh and my fantasy team thanks him immensely
So true. Dude is also nailing outside shots far better than I ever remember him doing so before
I'm glad hes back...he may not be the melo of old but hes def still good enough to play in the association. just think- there are guys like mike...
im finding less and less reasons to dislike the guy. as some may know, i was riding that lebron hate pretty hard with sirron for a while there...
zion and lonzo looking good
i live in san diego too and a lot of people i talk to would welcome them. guess it depends who you ask. either way, they aint comin down here
I'm pretty sure San Diego would welcome them back.
warriors killin it...props to them pg = steph sg = dlo sf = klay pf = who cares c = who cares ;)
i miss satan