In a perfect world Connor KOs him with one of those old school traditional martial arts punches where you don't turn your wrist over ala Bruce Lee...
The only interesting thing to me about this fight is how will PBF handle Connor's very odd striking angles. Boxing is very much locked in a...
Quite right, what everyone says about Connor after they fight him isn't "he's so fast" it's "i have never seen anyone with his timing and punch...
Is any else sick of hearing from old punch drunk boxers and crooked boxing promoters about how great boxing is compared to trash mma that they now...
My money is Ewan is dead in the middle of it and that they waited for Rebels to wrap up while protecting all sorts of story material at the same...
I am on record stating this will be a 12 snooze fest. PBF has no power, Connor can clearly take a punch, and Connor is going to struggle to land....
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We are discussing how to have the best media experience I am not sure what this black sails business is....[emoji12] Sent from my Moto G (4)...
Laptops and older desktops work fine, you just get a little more polished experience with the right setup. Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk
I have one that I use when we travel and know folks that use it on their main tv and they work ok for sure. I am just saying they also have some...
Depends on what you are looking for and what service you use. If you are a big Amazon user the Fire TV is worth the headache because it will...
The performance difference for paying just a bit more is pretty substantial. Plus you don't have to worry Amazon killing app starter or Kodi from...
Fire sticks are the suck, better ways to kodi Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk
To clarify Marvel Entertainment is comics, TV, etc. Marvel Studios which was separated from Marvel Entertainment and given to Fiege. In my...
the good news is after the misguided near train wreck that was Iron Fist, what seems like the impending doom of Inhumans, and the real struggles...
you ever played anything competively? I know I have cried at the end of huge losses. When you pour everything you have into something and come...
I think that fight would end via leg kicks. Brock would just get picked apart end up limping his way to getting tkoed Sent from my Moto G (4)...
I am definitely not a fan of Jones, but never doubted his greatness. I hope the humble version of him that praised DC for being the man outside...
Depends on what follows... If its a CGI fest Hulk rampage for the ages or a moving third act to a film where Cap leads the Avenges his death in a...
Imagine a dead Spiderman hanging lifeless in the arms of Cap or an enraged Hulk attempting to save him and failing leading to a further enraged...