Joel Osteen does not represent biblical Christianity at all. He preaches a message that is known as the "prosperity gospel" like most folks on...
I think MMA is in for some major business side changes in the very near future. Randy Couture and a group of fighters/lawyers are attempting to...
Just watched Woodley give Cowherd the business that was great. [MEDIA]
I watched that crap show too... Shannon Sharp is as dumb as Skipper...Both out to lunch. I was surprised at the balance of Stephen A., Kellermen,...
If that was MMA it would end in the 1st round and unless Connor was feeling gentlemenly like Couture vs Toney, it would end with horrific ground...
In 1-3 Connor landed more, out countered him, and landed better shots. In 4 PBF started to put the pieces together, but I think he lost the round....
Connor landed better than most HOFers did, if he doesn't gas he would be behind only Maidana......
Best part of the broadcast was Malignaggi talking about PBF using "tactics" to hug, hold, and literally back into Connor, and Mauro and the other...
I'll say this Connor lasted a whole lot longer in a boxing ring than any boxer would last in a MMA fight lol Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk
The other big hole McGregors game was he doesnt know how to.leverage his punches in a boxing context. It was clear that the spacing and angles...
He also didn't clinch like he should have. If he understood boxing better he could have wrapped up more in the later rounds and maybe even made...
Connor gassed, he didn't get hurt that's all. That's not to say PBF wasn't gonna win, he dominated after the 5 and could have been given 5 too....
Yeah but Connor won the first 5 rounds and gassed in the 7th. Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk
Connor up 3-0 Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk
I just can't take all the boxing boys talking like MMA fighter are a bunch of sub par athletes who can't fight. Folks calling for a Mayweather to...
I am reading it was anabolic steroids... Screw that guy if that's true.
Those things aren't mutually exclusive!
Man I gotta get some HiSmile [emoji6] Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk
I just can't see Connor getting KOed. He has a good chin, he has taken bombs in MMA and been fine, and the only guy PBF has KOed in 17 years...
So Eddie Alverez is calling it for Connor via KO. Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk