The issue with such a focus on players in marketing is that it hurts the league in the long run. When people stay loyal and support teams the...
[MEDIA] 1. Zeke still salty 2. Bron won nothing without Pat Riley who has some real basketball heritage. 3. Zeke has driven how many teams into...
of course! :Brows: GO KD!
I am no fan of Bron, but its not fair to blame Bron for the mess that the NBA is in. Post Jordan the NBA leadership, with Stern at the helm,...
I feel like your fears are well based. Most of the reviews I read had content like that which praises its femaleness etc, but didn't really say a...
I'm hearing a lot of "it feels a lot like cap 1 and really is pretty good" not a lot of "this is great!" Here's to hoping though Sent from my...
so when are we getting Nova in the MCU? And apparently the New Mutants is going to be a horror flick? Is that for real or are they just...
That would be random to just throw in Beta Ray Bill and Namor. Those characters mean nothing to the average Disney fan so that's odd to think...
randomness... Sometimes I see Kalesee and all I see is a real life version of Kira from the Dark Crystal. [IMG]
Exactly... [MEDIA]
Marvel just recently got his rights back. I think everyone is hoping they get FF back. To be honest, I think the FF make good supporting...
So apparently Stan the Man blabbed about some new unknown/unseen character coming into the MCU with Avengers Infinity War. He apparently let it...
Oh Sony is gonna mess it all up lol bank on it Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk
The more I think about it, the less I worry about daddy Ball. Of all the people he has talked yack about, Magic has not been one of them. He...
I think there is an interesting dynamic to be had between a Brock who desperately wants to do right yet often goes way too far and is guilt...
Eddie Brock is a deeply conflicted character internally. Through flashbacks you tell the story of how he became venom and how he killed Peter...
The more I think of about it, the more I really want a venomverse starring Hardy as the anti-hero. Peter Parker could be dead and miles could...
see man I am 6'6'' can knock down the open jumper, and have no problem kicking people in the balls or otherwise. Heck, if need be I cane...
I would just like to let the Lakers know I fit all of the above criteria and am open to offers from the Lakers.