Warriors and Heat also passed on Whitmore, I think that's even more telling. Rockets can afford to take that risk.
Is Avery Bradley invited too?
Inb4 “Meh” from Slick
Bamba and Caruso salaries are similar :Crazyartest:
[MEDIA] Getting DAR vibes from his game. Gonna trust our scouts on this.
Also glad that this probably points to Dray returning to the Warriors.
Cool good to see the CP3 thing cleared up this soon. Hope DAR and Schroder are brought back
$4mil handshake to not go after Rui
Boston still gets Porzingis but it cost them Smart. First deal was much better, Smart is the heart of that team. But hey Memphis can survive Ja’s...
AND Clippers adding a really good PG for next to nothing
I mean, they butchered the second half of their season for Westbrook's revenge tour against us so I wouldn't be surprised about this.
To add, that team was DOMINANT. There were games where we came out of halftime and just stomped on the other team.
F this league man… Beal gets traded for trash and no peep from another team. If we did something similar there would be a line of teams at...
You can have everyone but Handy :Deathstare:
I still want my 2020 parade dammit
You’d think we kicked his dog or something the way he talks about us
And thats WITH the Nuggets role players hitting everything against us and missing against Miami.
I see Dwight brought up a lot by some fans but he's done. He was done the third time we brought him back.