After all the pain and agonies I’ve been suffered these past few years, I want us to crush the whole NBA and all their fans, not just the Spurs...
In the head of a bandwagon warriors fan, they must be going crazy right now. Who will they root for next year lmao
From what I've heard, Boogie won't be ready health wise till mid season. It's a huge concern to sign him. I would rather keep Randle, trade for...
I like it!
We won't. In Magic we trust!!
Oh You Mad, Huh? “Take A Step Back, Evaluate, What Is Important, And Enjoy Life” #STAYME7O
Bleacher reports stated that our offer is BI and future 1st. I believe Spurs want us to include Kuz but we are not willing to.
I think he will make the BIGGEST mistake of his career if he decided to stay.
I have to agree. At this point, we just have to make a FINAL offer, take it or leave it. We ain't got time for this.
Danny Ainge is a penny pincher when it comes to his asset. He won't give up anything valuable to the Spurs. Hence, the Spurs have to deal with...
man ESPN will do anything for clicks, lmao. We all know Katie Durant ain't going no where. He has a cushion road to the championship with the...
What if they told the Lakers they won't sign unless we get Kawhi? What do we do now? That would mean another strike out in the FA market for the...
I'm curious about this as well. If we max out PG and LBJ, how much would Randle be making (if we keep him) if we stretch out Deng. Does this...
lmao, this makes me laugh.. thanks :) Hoping for the best, but expecting the worst.
Do everything we can to keep the trio: Zo, Kuz, Ingram
After watching the video for a 2nd time, I changed my mind. I think this wuss is staying in OKC. Hard to turn down an additional $40M. We...
He's coming here!!
The difference between Nance and this dude is that Wagner actually can SHOOT.
They hate us, cause they ain't us. We're backkkkk baby!!