Eight days https://x.com/Trevor_Lane/status/1839316692457107656?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet
DO IT ! DO IT NOW ! That’s how C bags won! 2 first rd picks for jrue /Smart [ATTACH]...
Ok I looked at it, I’ll tell you . KW said how LeBron slept with diddy for 100 million and sold his soul
Is that why he went to Portland ? To stick it to us ?[ATTACH]
Maybe that’s why LeBron doesn’t play One on One [ATTACH]
Lol I was gonna post this but I figured I’ll stick to basketball https://x.com/WORLDSTAR/status/1773517959450824882/video/2
Robert Horry said I belong in the HOF https://lakersnation.com/lakers-news-robert-horry-implies-he-deserves-to-be-in-hall-of-fame/amp/
LeBron taking his talent to tv...
Kwame needs attention [ATTACH]
Rich people don’t deal with LA traffic, I am sure LeKing has his own private elevator that drops him off from his house to his Locker at Staples.
Let’s say LA Olympic came before Paris . Do you still think LeBron would’ve played ? He would’ve said I am skipping this one to save myself for...
He didn’t say a single word about retiring, knowing LeBron and his work ethics he doesn’t think about retiring, he thinks about keep playing . The...
Y’all laughed at me when I said LeBron picks and chooses whatever he wants . Paris was his last Olympic . Feel free to leave sooner LeBron [ATTACH]
Why is this guy dancing when he can help us win ! Cm on FO GET ON THE PHONE AND KISS HIS a** TO COMEBACK [MEDIA]