Yeah what’s the point here ? Am I insulting anyone? Your feelings are hurt because I think jj is cancer! You think I am trolling because you...
I am not seeking friends! Friends ruin your life I am a rebel A hole like JJ But I think I am god
I am fine how are you ? It’s nice day out! Some people on here should change their tampax and have another drink :Beertoast2:
I post the truth ! You gotta problem with that ? That’s your business. I am sick of jj redicks circle jerks here you don’t have to keep me ! I...
People who defend this prick jj are part of the problem. Society is a f***ed up place
This is how you kill your white privilege! You land a job you have no business getting then your true color comes out but I am JJ don’t give a F...
Maybe him & LeBron can discuss it on his next podcast . bye jj ! You ain’t getting the job signed Jerry west
Dude won’t serve 1 day as Our HC! He is pretty much toast :Laugh:with butter& jelly .
Honestly I won’t be shocked if he did .
Yeah but it came out ! Dude ain’t got no clean slate
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Oh oh ! No bueno...
The guy just drinks wine and talks sht .Maybe I am missing the source of labeling jj a genius! I want some of that kool aid Maybe you guys are...
if you are a “ true laker fan” you support Jerry west and Larry Bird and all the other nba legends, who this podcast blabbermouth has called...
Ok you win .
I am not going to sit here and call this punk a genius when he literally is not good enough to be involved in any NBA project rather than running...
yup ! And I don’t care if everyone here will put me on “ ignore” list ! I absolutely loathe this hire and I don’t care if you think I am annoying....
:Noddingyes::Noddingyes:I won’t shut up I won’t ever shut up about this clown and I’ll celebrate his firing by popping a champagne like we just...
That’s BS and you know it , we are in a rebuilding process, we are not going anywhere, we are a play in at best . We could’ve just hired somebody...
Comparing Pat / PJ to this punk ! Lol. Are you serious?