So Ramona got black balled because she said Rob didn't know the cap?
The only difference making those three did this year is playing with their scrotums while doing nothing in important games.
People who talk like that live in the moment with no perspective.
To say Jason Kidd got outcoached would be the understatement of the year. He looked like Darvin Ham with glasses.
Maybe he called her out for dropping her saddle on company steeds. Maybe he called her out for posting stupid s*** like walking with her dogs...
Wow, he butchered his team in the ECF and he gets rewarded for it with this? Ok.
Gary Vitti holds a lot of Lakers cred. If he is saying this, we all know it’s true.
Yup. C Bags played like they didn’t want to be in the finals in game 4. C Bags close this out Monday.
What is this the "Meh"athon? Everyone sounds like Slick over here.
Lakers aren’t cheap. They are morons who can’t run a pro basketball team.
What the hell did you call me?
Haha, while he’s at it, invent flying vehicles and go back in time and get Lebron circa 2012 to bring back to play next season. Jeanie and...
likely where they go
Lue can suck nuts. He was having panic attacks in Cleveland.
No, the General from that second rate insurance company Shaq peddles.
you can say that about any game. Mavericks just needed Kyrie to show up in game 2 and he was non existent again.
Go get Jay Wright now.
Ya, “he always moves the goal post” should be his real name.
every finals game is a must win