I think when you spend the summer praising our team and how great they are that when the season starts it's put up or shut up time. Either these...
We have a 3-star team in which our cap is depleted by those 3, leaving only rookies, vet mins and the MLE for the FO to work with. It takes a...
Offloading Jones and/or Bryant is the least of our concerns right now but you are not going to get a team to take both and in Jone's case could...
You keep running the Kupchak/Jimmy Buss scenario as if we operate that way anymore. I will assume you are not a sales guy or don't put stock into...
We could probably swap Beverley/Nunn and a few SRPs for Turner. They have no other offers and will lose him this summer.
Are you aware that people make a hell of a lot more money in LA than in Milwaukee? Talk about misdirection with stats. You purposefully don't...
Well I completely disagree with you and the quality of life here, do you even live in So Cal? I lived in LA for 30 years and never had a single...
So I see, you're saying it's virtually the same for a star player to play for The Hornets as it is The Lakers. Do you even realize how silly that...
I just don't get Beal like many do, not at his salary. Too deficient at rebounding and defense in general at his pay grade and not a very big guy...
Price is too high on Beal. I also don't really see him being a better option than Tuner/Hield and I was not one of die-hard "go get Buddy and...
And I didn't even mention social media. The benefits are far more than social media my friend. And btw, many endorsements are regional and local,...
Please... we are the LA Lakers, the biggest destination NBA team bar none. We have the top weather hands down, we have the quality of life, we...
Yeah before I read this I edited my post to add a comment about Jeanie and loyalty. That's the big question in my mind. The thing is do you wait...
In the scope of the next couple of years, I think we have little to fear as fans. We have EXTREMELY valuable assets. AD and LBJ have 3 seasons...
You have to understand that Balmer would fight that scenario viciously. He wants LA and will not have a hand in feeding the serpent whose head he...
Do you remember summer of '19 and both AD and LBJ said they were talking to Rob daily, AD said Rob was blowing up his phone every couple of hours....
Can you give any examples of Lebron doing that? I don't even care if you have links, just from memory, when has Lebron shamed the roster? And...
People are freaking a bit much although we do need to make a move. Media saying Lebron is done yet his pts/reb/asst numbers are the same as 2...
KD + Simmons? Who can match 80 mil a year in trades? Oh yeah, we can. But that's 171-172 million locked up in 4 guys for a long time. Old-a$$ KD...
Assuming we could pull in Kyrie for a talk and see where that man's head is at, you have to admit there has been no better time to go after him....