I don't think its wrong. I also don't think it is wrong for people to be skeptical of what these guys "will" do. Personally I think we can beat...
You know what I like about this? That you joined another fan site just to try and troll. That level of insecurity in your teams ability is really...
It was on the MLB tv ticker but I didn't see anything more on it because I didn't watch much sports news. Like i said, "... you never know these...
I saw that MLB is not doing anything to Ohtani. He essentially helped pay a friends debt. I saw somewhere that the confusion with his statement...
I'm not worried about Ohtani in this at all at the moment. He is a private, respectful and loyal dude (from what I can tell). I think they...
for 12 mil per..... wow
D Lo doing, well, D Lo things. Great game today.
Bump Bump Bump Bump Bump Bump Bump Bump Bump Bump Bump Bump Bump................................................... Oh this is gonna be...
I think people take for granted what it takes to do what Lebron has done. Just because someone balls at a young age doesn't mean they can carry...
It is crazy to think anyone will be able to do what he has done. Lebron was hardly injured in his career, played at the top of the NBA stat charts...
Great post LJ. I can def feel what you mean. I'd add my 2 cents. The criticism on Lebron early on was valid. I remember arguing on CL that I...
Thank you Queen of Doom for the fantastical gift of PaperClip doom! We are unworthy of your feast. So tasty!
That was a masterful performance by the King right there. Woah.
Man that was just how it was scripted.... Clips gonna get dumped in the Lake bro.
I muted the game at the end of the 3rd qtr and watched the 4th on mute. Once I did that we started our run. SO.... FEEEEEEEEEEEEDDDDDDDDDDD...
I honestly don't think the NFL is going to do anything they weren't already going to do. We know Pat is protected. KC didn't have a single holding...
I hear a lot of people saying that he need to stop yet I don't agree. The dude isn't rah rah'ing the world. His message has been the same from day...
whatever it was I hope it was worth 11 million bucks. Thats a hard pill to swallow I think
THe way it was listed made it seem it was more likely Viagra. That would explain the 2 games only. Any true PEDs is half a season suspension I...