This has been a disappointing season on so many levels. I stayed away from Raider convos because I simply can't take our bipolar fan base and the...
It sucks we lost this game BUT man we see what this team can look like with a real QB and offensive play calling. AOC has flaws but I think he is...
I was surprised by this personally. I think AOC is the better QB and manages the game better than Minshew. I actually think AOC could be a top QB...
Im intrigued by Klay because I don't think he is done at all. I think all the drama on that team effected his play more than anything. For the...
Someone has to does it :)
YAAAWWWNNNNN...... Well, well, well I guess it is time to wake me from my slumber, hook up the electric cables, check all the nuts, bolts and...
So when we win the Championship this year the Lakers will be the first to have a father and son champions. Lets go BRON BRON
Seeing fans doing what fans do every year by undervaluing critical role players who can step up into the spotlight and shine from time to time....
^ It's interesting to see the comparisons. I think Tyree's numbers are def skewed because of the injury and moving inside. I expect him to have...
Man we dodged a bullet with Kawhi. Dude barely plays and the paperclips have done nothing more than gone fishing since he shunned us. So.......
damn... i was still in shock we lost on a game winner. Trauma is real. I fixed it damn it lol
Game 1 we were ahead I came home and watched us blow the lead and lose. Game 2 we were ahead I came home and watched us blow the lead and lose....
I wasn't really sure on what we were going to do especially after the run on QBs. After watching a few things and marinating on it I think Tom T...
maybe in 7? Okay I know i know... but still gotta probably maybe possibly have faith... i think. OK welp.
All imma say: Lakers in 6. Thats all.
Game one was frustrating but it showed exactly what we have done for 9 games against this team and shown the thing that gets us over the hump. If...
I respect your list. There is, in my opinion anyway, anything with being skeptical or cautiously optimistic about this team. Like I said in my...
Glad to see someone believing! What's the point of being fans if we don't believe we can "do it" ?
Im not sure what my response to this thread has to do with ESPN or what people hammer you for.
I'm surprised at how many here feel we don't have a chance against Denver because of the sweep and their current streak over us. On paper 8...