Josh Powell
Quintessential Westbrook game, nothing has changed: - shoots 0-5 from 3 - stupid fouls - rocks baby after going 2-12 - unforced turnovers -...
Well there goes the season [MEDIA]
lEt rUsS bE rUsS
Who's the head assistant coach? Jent or Handy? I do agree we probably need someone better there to help Ham.
Seems fine [MEDIA]
It was a freak accident. I don’t see this as DiVincenzo’s fault. Anyways, I’m guessing he’s out a week.
My condolences to the Clippers
His defense is actually alright. It's not as bad as advertised.
This is why I wasn't mad that the Lakers lost that game. I mean it sucks because we need every win we can get, but Dame was like hitting contested...
Had we gone something like 5-5 or even 4-6, in the first 10 games, we would have been in a much better position. In order for us to make the play...
I really hope Jeanie and FO don't go into contract negotiations this offseason with the mindset of saving money on taxes. All these speculations...
Is using the full taxpayer MLE the only way to resign him?
We are the team where 3pt shooting goes to die. Welcome Malik!
Ham in shambles right now.
I'm sorry Rob, I wasn't really familiar with your game.
Basically we traded him because we couldn't keep him this coming summer and also more playing time for Wenyen. Maybe we can sign Jay Huff?