better show up big time tonight -- they certainly will... i'm tempted to say tonight's winner goes to the finals, but that could be a little extreme.
slava, now that's a name i've not heard in a long time...
we better pull our head out, they're gonna unleash the fury in order to avoid going down 0-3...
i lived in upland during the Northridge quake and will never forget all the transformers blowing in the distance... damn i miss socal...
Dwight was an animal in game 1... he catalyzed the night for us, and they had no answer for him... that being said, i agree with @Kenzo in that...
i could go on forever baby...
espn frontpage = "did the clippers loss let Lebron off the hook?" good lord, do these people ever stop? i mean, yea, ballmer has some deep...
absolutely no mention of clippers clip on espn frontpage... just "stephen a smith stunned by nuggets win"... wow, they're really trying to memory...
spot on, this Denver team is legit, and we should all be pumped (and rested) for some high quality basketball come friday... but this is Lebron's...
yea, at times, it looked like he was moving in slow motion... not jokic slow (calculated and deceptive), but calcified/tired slow... look, let's...
i'm relishing this so much that i haven't even made it over to the Lakers v Nuggets thread yet... let's enjoy this moment for now as it is oh, so...
that is correct, they aren't losing 3 in a row... it's just too much pressure for denver to close it out... and denver has nothing to be ashamed...
i noticed the same thing yesterday... the collapse was all but memory-holed on espn... you bet your sweet a** that it would be front and center if...
whatever shred of hope they had going into last night was completely dismantled by our start to the game (admittedly, i was bracing for impact as...
"bizarre" is exactly the right word... so absurd, it's abzurd... they have an uncontested 8-footer heading towards the basket, but, instead, dish...
oh yea, that was the best part: harden just standing there with a somewhat blank stare and taking it
no apology needed; great discussions always welcome! and i totally get it, the media is so hard for this whole clippers story... just look at how...
they definitely tightened up and choked the game away -- it was very frustrating to watch... no one's saying they're gonna sweep their way through...
as stated previously, there's really nothing any team can do to stop the clippers in a 7-game series right now