Don't have to. The man has giant fingers.
The fact that i did think for a long time that the first gif stood for the naughty hole and not hearts makes this creepy.
Cycles? The US did not have monarch for a very long time. Also when will muskets come back?
I eye test Spurs palyers. At the...
I hope the best for him. Wish he could had been traded with more years on his contract. Talking is for wusses Kawhi, never forget that. i hope...
i am too bloody lazy to learn plays. With a bum knee even literally hiring a guy to run me trough them with whole 10 people and coaches would be...
Does not mean i recognize it's legitimacy. Kyrie does not but the press is to scummy to correct their bs narrative.
Remains to be seen long term. I legit don't believe in the concept of trolling. I almost never use that word.
How do you think this was avoidable after the 3 channel world ended? It's relly not that bad compared to what it could be? Go back before the...
As long as they are not abused it's perfectly okay.
Bron criticism has a forbiddenn fruit quality since the press worships the gropund he walks on.
If his previous tenures on teams are any indication that is what is waiting for you. Sadness.
Lacks character, sadly.
It is an insane movie. There is about 10-15 minutes of jew hating because it's based on a 19th century book. That is the only insanity i woudl cut...
It's a a Cossack being boiled alive. It fits the cruel and misery filled world of the NBA. It's from an Ukranian Taras Bulba movie from the...
Larry Bird would have never done the Decision. Larry Bird was tough blue collar baller. It cannot be a Birdism.
1997 BBC adaptation of Ivanhoe.
Could someone suggest some? Take the Z out of one of the words in the title.
Next years Lakers fanbase: [IMG] [IMG]
He said the left started dominating sports media so it was a tatctical decision....