Enough with characters whose fate we know already. Please. Rogue One was ok but stop with that already for a while.
It would had been fine if there was more quality control. Also i hate idea of the animated series heroes fighting that stupid First Order. Make...
Man had been in top because the world was bloody harsh and you could not walk across towns by yourself. For mosty of history women doing amazon...
If they look vulnerable the Cavs are already in the grave.
Lakers shpu;ld have paid of some official in China to kikdnap him but treat him well. Best outcome. Great narrative for Lonzo.
Who said he cuts his balls of or something if an another ball is an NBA player even for a second?
Regular season cannot start soon enough.
Any you considered top 10 with a baketball Jesus tatoo?
It's bad for the NBA if someone with less charisma than Jordan to becomes the GOAT. Also Jordan lived most of his career without modern internet...
Spurs but i want to know what i am rooting for so i watched less because of the Kawhi complications this year.
I don't care if people have to reexamine leagacies, but end the 2 conferences already. if there will be less games, so be it. I hate watching...
They don't have a go to iso playoff scorer like Kiryie. Only the refs can save them from a sweep in the finals.
I swear i heard Tristan T calling him a bit Czech Republic once in a broadcast when he helped him up. Kevin Love. That is weird. LeBron does...
I bet the average 14th man is cooler as a person. He is nothing special as a personailty.
Most of them are not as fake.