All of this. The thing is that we have these back and forth years so much now. We have the years where Kwame can be turned into Pau and then the...
I'm not saying these are the people we are going for, and I know that contract extensions and RFAs are in effect, but this is the list of GOOD...
Didn’t someone speculate what an offer from the Spurs would be for Russ or something? In like a 3-Team or somewhere. Part of me would like to go...
Someone said something about a trade with San Antonio, somewhere? I heard a rumor or speculation once of what they’d offer for Russ, anyone...
I officially don’t care what happens to Russ now. If he gets traded, whatever. If he stays, whatever. Because I think now, whoever we have between...
6 to 8 YOU SAY!? (I know it isn't Christmas Season yet, but still.....I had to)
I feel like the deal for Gobert was FINE, in a sense that I think that makes sense for him, but like….I don’t think you expect MORE for someone of...
We knew Ainge was insane but wow
LOL….6 PICKS!? Did Kobe, MJ, and LeBron morph into one person!?
Great Salt Lake is more by the airport, the [Delta Center] is more in town by the LDS Salt Lake Temple and State Capital. They aren’t NEXT to each...
this was the bane of my existence back in the CL days, but also it’s always so funny and comedic to me still because you know that it’s Off...
Hahahaha, I don’t think my email and phone notifications can handle that. :p
bro, I’d be okay with Pat on this team. He’s the guy you want on your team so he doesn’t BOTHER your team during games. so, I’m down to take him...
same, just since it sounds like “such a big deal” right now. I say play hardball with LeBron AND Westbrook. Either Westbrook gets traded for...
if the wolves really are Smart, they’d keep D’Ang
I think we should hang the Nets out to dry and if there really was other trade talks that had substance, go make those happen and work with what...
Like I said, I mean to be on here more….just harder now than when I was a kid. :p
I need to be better about being on here, it’s still fun to see old faces from the ClubLakers days. can’t promise that I am back for good, I feel...
I was driving around in Utah for this trade AND the CP3 trade (thanks Stern), in the same car. Pau was on the 15 Freeway up there. CP3 was around...
I don’t want to fully rebuild as much as the next Laker Fan. Honestly, I’d love to sign an all-star caliber person next off-season if it went the...