I was going to say, I hate to say it too, but WHEN……WHEN will we stop going to people and saying “Come on man, we’re the Lakers. You know you want...
if the sentiment is True, you think Jeanie will wake up and do something or will everything stay the same? because there has to be a CAUSE to...
Get Grant and DeMar and then sign whoever else you can and I think we should be good with this team and JJ. still say Heild might be good for...
At least that was “quick”
Guys, how do we convince Magic to buy the C Bags to corrupt from the inside!? [INSERT EVIL LAUGH]
I mean, why not wait the off-season. The price has to come down eventually
Looks at Philly and what they gave to PG
not even off the Bench?
So, what about DeMar, Cam Johnson, Grant, and Buddy Heild? trade DLO for Cam and whoever for Grant. Does that work better or nah? I only throw...
We all agree that 2 is stupid. Just have to see if someone wants to do a 3-Team and get then it’s just 1 First per team.
I think OKC is a little bitter how the playoffs went for them.
Personally, I think DeMar and Grant could be good. I’d still hope for Klay, but then the rest of our time and money could be going after other...
I feel like this is a BAD idea, but could you pull off a 3-Team Deal for Grant via the Bulls and LaVine? so we’d have to take LaVine, BUT we make...
Plot Twist
Uh, who did Russ piss off now? I thought he was a Clipper for Life now.
yeah, I believe that a lot. Just couldn’t tell if there was more to it. You helped me understand. So we’re all good here.
maybe I didn’t but I thought he was good each time they won the title. I have to believe he’ll be worth a trade but I mean maybe he goes to...
you know what, that’s fair. I can understand that.
But if last year was his bad year, then he was good before that. Can’t he revert back to that if he got a new start?
okay, I’m sorry…I have to ask. As a fan of the team……when was the last time you were happy with what was happening with the Lakers? Like, I’ve...