How much do we have left? Can we still get Bradley and Morris still?
You know what, I have to actually take more courage in this.....(and we al should too).......... So, the Clippers HAD to make that trade to get...
Honestly, if we have the money and open roster space, Morris, Bradley, and Boogie would be nice to end on
I can believe that, I just am already seeing it in different spots, especially in my direction since people know I bleed p n g, sucks...
Only thing I didn’t account for, is how much people will point and laugh at our team now because allegedly the Clippers outsmarted us. Now I’m...
@Mr. Rambis, thanks for all this. Please keep us in the loop from here on out when you can, on whatever you can. Any insight is fun to hear,...
Well that sucks. But, interesting that Clippers do the same trade as us for George, but wouldn’t do it for Anthony Davis.
Watch us all wake up to the news tomorrow, and then everyone signs everyone else
@Mr. Rambis....did Rob and Jeanie cause that Earthquake to prove that Kawhi is coming to the Lakers? Because it looked and felt like it was the...
GUYS!!!!! I KNOW WHAT CAUSED THE EARTHQUAKE!!!! Kawhi is going to the Lakers and Clippers and Raptors fans are pissed!!!!!!! THE MYSTERY IS...
Is this gif showing up in anyone’s view? And if not, what am I doing wrong? [IMG]
Do people NOT want to play for Memphis or does Memphis NOT want to buy out that many contracts?
I mean, how many people could we name like this that have played against the Lakers in the last 10 years that we go “Dammit, it was more fun to...
I’ll take this because Dudley was kind of like Lowry to me. Just that annoying guy I hated to watch us play against because he just seemed to be...
Wasn’t this part of LeBron’s deal last year? Like everything had to be done secretly and quietly as a promise to him or something?
I’m down. That’s be awesome.
Dope!!! We’re lucky to have you @Mr. Rambis. do your thing sir!!!!!