mentioned this yesterday but i guess it got lost in the shuffle how much would luc-mbah a moute cost? would be a solid defender at the 3 ;) Luc...
LMAO :rofl: gotta get used to it, that's his motto
Dloading :cool:
the clips when he played against curry were :cool::cool::cool:
great article
saw this earlier and thought the same thing. im sure we've all done that i tell one of my best friends that before i met him i didnt even like...
LOVE this article pretty much sums up what some have been saying on here maybe his time in indiana ran out like gasol's did here change of...
how much would luc-mbah a moute cost? would be a solid defender at the 3 ;) edit: found this interesting tidbit :cool: 11. Luc Richard Mbah a...
[IMG] nailed it :cool:
looks like a nice squad
didnt know that but i dont think that this would impact his role on the dodgers at all he's a partial owner and has no say in the decisions the...
agreed i wanna see how the clips look this year theyre gonna need someone to step up big in place of dj since blake is allergic to defense...
isnt terry a sg? if so they still need lin i dont think terry can demand a whole lot of money at this point he can prob be had for a vet min or...
true but we could be in a similar situation (except for the coach pissing everyone off part) if we have a good season FO would have to take a...
got it thanks for the clarification thats weird i think people were just jealous of how good he was doing
if our rooks ball out i dont see how his signing here doesnt get us over the hump, along with having cap space to add another star
good point but then we'd have to evaluate whether we won those games because of byron or because our players played at a high level a good...
as soon as i saw it i texted some of my friends about it and the consensus was a flat out wtf? the max for a player that hasnt really proven...