I agree Weezy, I was sold on the idea of having a young core and then gradually adding pieces to that core for slow but long term transformation....
Huge shocker, I was really prepared to root for DLO for years to come. I'm not turning on Magic/Rob yet, I'm willing to see what else they have in...
I absolutely do NOT want to give up anything of significance, but I would be infuriated if he ended with the LeCavs.
Lebron forgets that the late 90s Rockets and Karl/Gary were way out of their prime when they came together. Lebron joined with two of the best...
That 2010 WCF series might have been Kobe's all around best. What he did to Phoenix was stunning.
Still not sold on Lebron leaving Cleveland again but I could see how the allure of bringing the Clips to Championship glory could draw him in.
Bron would definitely have the physical edge over Larry but I think Larry's mental edge may put him over the top.
This is so good, there's so much I didn't know. I also have more understanding of Jerry's fatherly relationship with Magic and I'm impressed with...
I didn't realize Magic actually asked for a trade when he was upset with Westhead. I guess that's where Kobe got it from lol.
The only good thing for me about Lebron being a Laker is the reaction of Cleveland fans lol.
Oh wow, that's a huge disappointment. Part 1 is excellent thus far, I was really looking forward to the them talking about the 2000s.
23 minutes into part 1, poor Jerry. I can't imagine how tortured he was.
He's just mad that he got beat at his own game. I really wish he would have just acknowledged the truth.
Did Lebron really just say he never played on a Super Team? #staysalty
I bet MJ is laughing right now, 0 losses vs 5.
Just when I almost start to feel bad Lebron they start that mess lol. Was anyone saying poor Kobe in 2008?
Sirron's leading the Lebron loss party lol. Curry put up 27/8/9, that's one heck of 2nd banana.
He absolutely NEEDED Kyrie to carry him to victory, but the magic was gone. Lebron can still put up stats but his greatest impact years are in the...
3-5 for LeGoat.
Two things: I must give Curry credit because he has been much better than he was in the previous finals even though Durant is clearly the MVP....