The grumblings for a trade were already out there before the DJ deal was even a thought. THey've been talking about dealing him for luxury tax...
I didn't watch the clip but I read from various NBA scouts that have pretty much confirmed what Sirron said before he was ever traded to us. The...
So the rumors about trading him to save luxury tax dollars were true after all they just had the wrong team for the other end of the trade
Uh-huh... [IMG]
You mean Cul-De-Sac? [IMG]
*Prostate massage
Ahh I appreciate the offer Sirron hell yea! Maybe another time but thats super cool of you thanks! Can I come live with you though lmao
Get outta here, you're only as old as you feel. I mean it's not like you were alive when they weren't any cars lol
No way Sirron, I was just jealous cuz your chick was rocking cornrows and your sig was epic lol
I used to see Bulls gear everywhere too but not anymore. Even Pittsburgh Squealers crap but not much Claps gear anywhere. I mean it's quite...
Kept it super classy, love that
Smooth rain, air gracefulness and young! I hope he earns some minutes cuz this could be a breakout year for him playing with these other guys...
I read, "heard anything from Gasol or anyone in his camp" - direct quote Doesn't matter anyways until something actually happens he's on the team.
That would be tampering...