he's been atrocious and he's making Darvin Ham look good right now for not playing him enough. I hated Taurean Prince but he was at least a...
He sucks. And he's not stopping anybody on the other end. If we can find a trade for him, we should absolutely dump him for a better player at...
Yeah I mean they kind of have to - they can't admit that they made a huge mistake so they'll continue to show "confidence" in him until his...
Needs more minutes imo. I think he will need to absorb some of Max's minutes if doesn't pick it up soon. Or he needs to absorb a combination of...
He needs more minutes - point blank He actuallly kinda saved us tonight when were down 22 - he hit a couple of 3's in a row and he just competed...
Honestly DLO is just off right now and when he's off, he's reallyyy off Alternatively when he's on...he's REALLY on and we will probably blow out...
We will win A LOT of games if we get this from AD on a nightly basis. Absolute BEASTTTTT
ya dude - Redick is a SICKO when it comes to basketball and it's showing. Even tho we were down 22...in my mind, we were still playing the right...
Have we sent Bronny down to the G-league yet? I strongly prefer we do that so he can get his reps in and if we have injuries to our guards, he...
The Clipper curse lives on. Hallelujah
If Rui can become our Aaron Gordon...that raises the floor of this team significantly. I'm sure Rui is looking at the contract that Aaron Gordon...
I hope JJ does not think that 3-guard lineup of DLO/Gabe/AR is the answer and that it was more so because of the wolves playing 3 guards...that...
Beast. Ran everything through AD, and that's how it should be going forward
very good game from AR even with his offense not quite being there! I thought he did a great job defending tonight too - and honestly, for him...
oof - this was a rough game for Christie but he really has to hit those open 3's. If he can't, he's going to get supplanted in the rotation by...
His shots didn't fall, but he didn't hang his head, and credit to JJ for sticking with him because DLO made some nice plays in the 3rd/4th that...
lol Kerr took out Curry but leaves in LeBron/AD for garbage time...
Still too many minutes for both LeBron and AD...unreal that Kerr continues to play them the most out of everyone! Put f***ing Tatum and Bam in...
lol why is Kerr overplaying LeBron here? You have KD, ANT, Tatum...use them if LeBron is looking gassed or can't be bothered to play defense.
He's an idiot - he had a chacne to join LeBron in the summer of 2018 and what did he do? He went to a big party and announced he was returniung...