If Detroit offered Ausar Thompson and Jalen Duren for AR do you do it?
I’m sure Rob has asked Chicago about Jalen Smith but if he hasn’t he should.Seems like the kind of big man JJ wants for his offense
The maverick’s owners are turning into the real life major league movie.They want their casino or they are going to move
I didn’t think he looked fat at all Definitely not the ridiculous 270lbs nonsense
Maybe they could flip Maxi and a 2nd for Bitadze
Obviously the best big is Myles but I doubt he’s available but who can really be certain now.The next big I would target is Jacob P.He’s the best...
I’ll never criticize anyone again for coming up with some seemingly crazy trade idea
You know who else has been playing in the G League all year,Jahlil Okafor and I couldn’t believe he is only 29 years old
The lakers probably rank a Kessler/Sexton deal highest to balance out this roster.Vuc would seem to be second on the list with all others...
Because of the concerns you expressed I still believe they need a big who can give them some offense when AD is sitting
Heild got the exact same call when Gabe got his wrist on a three late in the game but that she determined an obvious foul
It’s been the same team for 2 1/2 years.The only pass I give Rob is I don’t know what J buss is telling him.Other than that he’s not good at his job
Why didn’t rob go after Cam Thomas and Sharpe while getting DFS? Would have cured some woes
The bench is not good.No scoring and no rebounds.we have seen this movie for 2 1/2 years now.It wasn’t good then and it isn’t good now.I have no...
So does this mean not trading for a big or insurance because they’re sending a big out?
You and me both have been advocates since probably two summers ago mainly because he is bully on the boards
So he gets his contract then proceeds to be fat,lazy and injured…no thanks
Zion could be Barkley 2.0 if he love basketball like Charles did….but he doesn’t
Zion doesn’t love basketball He loves being a basketball player Hard pass
Somebody really needs attention