I was going to respond point by point until I read this. Lol, how old are you?
[IMG] If this is ever in your mentality, the 80s would not have been kind to you.
If he played in this era, I actually think Bird would be a better scorer than Lebron. Today’s garbage defense and the green light to shoot 10-15...
You spelled underrated wrong. How old are you out of curiosity? I don’t mean to be dismissive of younger fans, because they can be knowledgeable...
Bird might actually be a better passer than Lebron. If anything, they’re equal. Both were great in their respective eras, but if we had a Time...
Longevity aside, prime vs prime, I’ve got Bird > Lebron.
It sucks that those handful of painful losses due to missed fts, ref robbery, and resting players ended up having this much weight in the...
^ and watch, against their next opponent they’ll shoot 28%
Preemptive wmc: Russ turns into Steph curry and kawhi turns into godmode Kobe, hitting impossible contested jumpers.
You’ve been missed, Old friend. Glad you’re back.
Is there a way to quantify the impact of having to guard curry at distances that just don’t apply to other players? That has to have a negative...
1,2 are easy…Magic and Zeke. But 3 is hard. Who’s yours? Stockton, Oscar, Kidd, CP3, Nash, Steph?
“Let’s target Kobe on defense” said no opposing coach ever!
The modern “very rarely play great defense and anyone with a decent 3 point shot should shoot a billion 3s” NBA has made comparing stats from...
F***ing Sisyphus-like season.
2001 shaq vs 1995 Hakeem? Love them both
Wasn’t able to watch the game. Why did AD only have 7 fga? Was he triple teamed all game or something?
His teammates were probably injured
Totally agree about his passing from the post. That’s why I’d like to see him there more. But I disagree about his post skills. He’s pretty...
Didn’t say he did not have post game. I said it’s not polished. He’s had sporadic moments of dominance in the past. He’s big, strong and athletic...