Totally agree. DLo is a perfect fit, defensive warts and all. All we need is his normal production in the playoffs.
Was just wondering how we’d have turned out if we went with the Westbrook and two frps for Hield and Turner, seeing how drastically we improved...
Is there an attainable player with DLo’s regular season skillet, who doesn’t turn into a pumpkin in the playoffs?
Calling it now. We’re gonna fold early, waving the white flag, getting Lebron and AD out of the game. With the pressure off, DLo is gonna drop 40.
Sounds like In hindsight you’d do the Russ and 2 frps for Turner and Hield? Not sure what the arithmetic is on Dlo vs our other pick since we got...
Having Lebron as a Laker has been such a win/win. If he brings us a chip, wonderful! If not, haha f*** Lebron.
Makes sense. I hope you’re right. I wonder what some s&t or during-season trade options are for DLo cause he’s absolutely, imo earned his way off...
I’m predicting Dlo s&t, filler, plus our other 1st for kyrie. *barf*
As an asset to probably trade his salary? $20-25. As a talent we want to keep? $15
We can crap on Lebron or AD or refs or anyone else, but the reality is that if DLo performed at his regular season level, we’d be 2-0.
What’s lebron’s 3pt% since he came back from injury? And what’s ADs fg% in game 2s? I don’t need the answers. I know they’re really really bad.
Denver’s offensive rebounds. Stat of the game, despite the gaudy numbers of both team’s stars.
Spurs won the wemby lottery
I think we need to prepare ourselves for a frustrating series due to officiating. I’m not saying if we lose it’ll be because of the refs. I’m...
I wonder if we would have traded Tatum for AD if we drafted him instead of lonzo
Tatum channeling Kobe. Nothing to hate about the C Bags except for the fact they’re C Bags. Bummer.
Remember box score watching AD when he was still with NOP and he’d somewhat often get 17-18 fts? Now, as a laker, it’s really rare.
Stats like these do tend to tell an accurate story, but I always remember that a slightly wider net sometimes reveals an entirely different...
[IMG] Wrong monster, AD
Have a feeling tonight is the night we’re on fire from 3, yet don’t do much else right, and get smoked. Wish we could save our hot shooting nights...