Maybe the Clips got better maybe they didn’t who’s to say... they will still get destroyed by big front lines. Let’s say they get to the finals...
Is it possible to get both if both are available?
I think that's DC keeping it close to the vest... why would he tell Barnes when maybe he doesn't want anyone to know yet. I wouldn't read much...
If Caruso is being mentioned in a possible trade that likely means that Collison is likely coming, no? I wouldn't trade away Caruso unless I knew...
Unbelievable! I’m in a state of shock...
I like what Caruso says about the ASG. He really is a good dude! [MEDIA]
I thought this was funny... [MEDIA]
I can’t stand Patrick “Scrappy Doo” Beverley. He’s annoying and is overrated as a defender. All bark and no bite like Scrappy Doo! [IMG]
I think Kuz’s issue is that he struggles against athletic frontlines. Plus, he should only facilitate in spurts. It’s not his game and the Orlando...
[MEDIA] :Crazyartest:
So far, they look like crap against the Nuggets
I totally agree! I was saying the same thing several weeks ago and peeps were saying: “Wouldn’t you want to beat them in the finals?” I don’t want...
I was teeing that up for you my friend!
Looks like a giant Teletubby... LOL[ATTACH]
We do need Collison. Rondo pisses me off and it seems the ball stops somewhat when he is “facilitating.” He does some good things once in a while...
Maybe AD should consult Howard on how to heal from a sore butt. :Noddingyes:
I agree. The question is whether Bogdanovic is a better defender. Also, is Bogdanovic a better... fit for lack of a better word. Personally, the...
Let’s hope we can throw Rondo in some package. Jiminy Cricket just flat out sucks.
Kuz is not being traded. Everything out there is click bait. The numbers simply don’t match. It would be very difficult and with him being injured...