I guess we do run plays for him. He just doesn’t know them lol.
That “key” is really sad. Hey they said he was a fan of AD’s. We will see your turnovers and raise you 5. Because he’s a superstar. There...
Great game after being out so long. Welcome back from the dead.
Always nice to get a win. Lots of hating on different players from Warrior fans. They are not happy with their coach or team. Or almost anywhere...
C bag fans were complaining about playing 5 games in 7 nights with 2 OT games and playing back to back. Cry me a river. That’s why you don’t the...
Joker likes horses, Westbrook is a horses a**, hence the attraction. :LLLLLebronlaughing: Edit:just noticed this was the Reaves thread. We need...
I actually like Butler but that’s a punk move. He’s become way too much of a diva.
Another let Russ be Russ guy.
Wiz fans are few and far between. They all hate Kuz and would trade him for a used tissue. Has to have something to work on. His closet is...
Signs of life.
Other fans respect his talent but they still complain that he flops and foul hunts.
I liked what I saw. I think he had some good defensive plays and it’s nice to have someone who’s not a string bean.
Wow the Nets really have, no fans. The few they do our full speed ahead on the tank. This was an ugly as hell game but I’ll take the W and move...
Great GIF.
Short on time and material, so I’ll make it quick. I didn’t know Paul Pierce played for you. And a few good men and lots of other stuff. Zen...
Welcome to the site. Glad you decided to become a member.
We missed his hustle while he was away. Good overall game.
Kid was great tonight. Keep it up.