It’s not like Nico Harrison hasn’t screw up before like when he was at Nike.
Not playing defense for sure. Stat padding I don’t complain about unless you’re talking about chucking. I definitely hate that but it’s not about...
Opposed to them, destroying us anyhow? It’s not like we were doing well before.
I clicked on the Maxi thread instead of the Max thread and it made me sad. I always believed in you Max even when you were struggling. You will be...
My personal belief is we had little chance at winning a championship this year. Sure maybe a very small outside chance but that’s it. A lot of...
Here’s a bit more doom but it’s all a version of the same, “ I’m no longer a Mavs fan. Boycott the team. We got screwed etc.” I’ve only seen a...
This is pure gold.
Luka needs Ozempic. Don’t PED’s make you gain weight?
No way we can do both Luka and Zion. They would be having an eat off every night and there’d be no more food for the rest of the team.
That’s impressive in this day and age to keep something this big quiet for that long. Plus I guess not every GM hate Pelinka either.
I’ve got a busy morning, but I’ll do some more doom later. Overall the mad fans HATE this trade and think it’s the worst in history. There were...
It’s fabulous to get an unexpected win. We need all the help we can get. Yes, of your hopes and dreams. They would have to have a strong arm...
Ok, I keep seeing Bob Todd and I know that means Pelinka but who the hell is Bob Todd? I goggled it and got some actor but what is the connection?
Turner was never really available anyhow.
Mentioning Nunn still gives me PSTD. Talk about the ultimate dead guy player.
This guy can come in and just change the whole dynamic of the team. He’s such a breath of fresh air on defense and hustle plays. It can’t be...
He’s a little too mouthy this game. I did like his energy and calling out defensive coverage for Knecht, even though I’m not sure it helped.
I’m rescuing this from page 2. Guy had a great game. 7-8 for the night.
We needed an easy win for once. God the Wizards stink. Wash, waxed and dried out. 12 minutes are big minutes for Bronny at this point. Kuz...